Why Do City Trees Have Fewer Blooms?
Created By RISC | 3 weeks ago
Last modified date : 3 weeks ago
Trees in nature often bloom beautifully, giving us wonderful blossoms to enjoy. But have you noticed that urban trees seem to flower less?
So what factors affect how tree bloom? Flowering is governed by internal factors, such as shorter or longer days and the tree’s maturity, as well as external factors like water and pruning.
City trees are often exposed to artificial lighting at night (read more: https://bit.ly/3rF7P5g). Research has found that some species flower less with limited or interrupted nighttime darkness, even if trees reach the right age. Trees shaded by buildings can also get less sunlight.
Certain tree species bloom during dry seasons. Water stress triggers flowering as a survival mechanism. But urban trees are frequently watered year-round, reducing this response.
To ensure city trees bloom seasonally, it’s essential to start with tree species suited to the local environment. Spaces should provide adequate exposure to both sunlight and artificial light. Care should mimic natural conditions and stimulate seasonal flowering. The result will be a beautiful city with charming urban spaces.
Story by: Siriwan Sukngam, Intern from Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University and Thanawat Jinjarak, senior researcher Environmental Department Urban Environmental & Biodiversity Engineer, RISC
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