Knowledge - RISC

Air Quality in the Rainy Season under WELL V2​

Created By RISC | 1 month ago

Last modified date : 1 month ago

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During the rainy season, one of the challenges we face is the increased humidity, which can lead to health issues if not properly managed.​

​WELL Building Standard Version 2 (WELL V2) is a global standard for the health and well-being of building occupants. The standard has comprehensive guidelines for effectively managing humidity.​

​High humidity in buildings can affect their users in several ways:​
o Mold Growth: Excessive humidity is a key factor that promotes mold growth, which can lead to respiratory problems and allergies.​
o Deterioration of Indoor Air Quality: The accumulation of dust and allergens worsens indoor air quality.​
o Discomfort: High humidity levels can make people feel uncomfortable, sticky, and uneasy.​
o Material Degradation: Excessive humidity can accumulate in building materials, damaging furniture, construction materials, and electronic equipment.​

​To ensure that everyone using the building breathes clean and safe air, the WELL V2 provides specific guidelines for humidity management, focusing on:​

Thermal Comfort Concept - T07 Humidity Control: WELL V2 recommends that mechanical ventilation systems should maintain the relative humidity (RH) in buildings between 30% and 60%. The systems used may vary based on the size of the building:​
o Residential Homes: Air conditioners with a humidity control mode (Dry) or an Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) system should be installed. ERV systems help exchange heat and moisture between indoor and outdoor air, conserving energy while maintaining humidity balance. Additionally, dehumidifiers can be used in combination with ventilation systems.​
o Large or Public Buildings: A Dedicated Outdoor Air System (DOAS) can be employed to adjust outdoor air quality before bringing it into the building, including humidity control.​

Moreover, WELL V2 recommends regular air quality monitoring, especially during the rainy season when humidity levels rise. Air quality data should be displayed on tablets or applications, with readings updated at least every 15 minutes.​

Moisture Management - W07 Water Concept focuses on reducing leaks and moisture accumulation:​
o Building Envelope: To prevent moisture accumulation on the building’s exterior, areas should be designed with good drainage systems, regular inspections of rainwater drainage, and materials such as waterproof sheets, metals, or closed-cell foam that do not absorb water should be used.​
o Interior Spaces: For areas with high moisture exposure, such as kitchens and bathrooms, moisture-resistant materials should be selected. It is also important to check plumbing systems to ensure there are no leaks, which could lead to moisture buildup. This includes inspecting toilets, washing machines, and dishwashers. Wastewater treatment systems and pipes should also have backflow prevention systems installed.​
o For large and public buildings, a moisture control plan should be in place. This includes scheduling regular inspections for leaks, water damage, mold growth on walls, floors, and HVAC equipment. There should also be regular assessments of pipe leakage, and building users should be able to report leaks or mold directly. Additionally, WELL requires that leak inspection and mold reports be submitted to the WELL digital platform.​

If we can effectively control and manage humidity during the rainy season, it will bring numerous benefits, such as:​
o Improved Health for Building Occupants: Reduces the risk of allergies and respiratory issues.​
o Enhanced Productivity: A comfortable environment promotes well-being and increases the productivity of building users.​
o Cost Savings: Decreases repair costs from moisture-related damage and reduces energy consumption for air conditioning systems.​
o Extended Building Lifespan: Prevents deterioration of the building structure and materials.​
o Positive Image: Demonstrates a commitment to the health and well-being of building occupants.​

​Implementing WELL V2 for humidity management during the rainy season not only addresses immediate concerns but also serves as a long-term investment in the health and sustainability of both the building and its users.​

As consultants specializing in the WELL Building Standard, RISC have expertise in analyzing humidity issues and designing appropriate management systems in line with WELL V2 standards. We are ready to provide guidance and support your organization in enhancing humidity management to create a healthier and more efficient environment.​

Let’s work together to create buildings free from moisture issues, ensuring a high quality of life for everyone in the organization, no matter the season.​

​Story by Phetcharin Phongphetkul, Sustainable Designer/ LEED®AP BD+C, WELLTM AP, Fitwel Ambassador, ActiveScore AP, TREES-A NC, RISC​

​References: ​
Thermal Comfort Concept - T07 Humidity Control ​
Moisture Management - W07 Water Concept​ ​
T07 Humidity Control Option 2: Humidity modeling ​
A03 Ventilation Design
A04 Enhanced Ventilation Design ​
A12 Air Filtration ​
01 Air Quality
Air Quality Monitoring and Awareness

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