Knowledge - RISC

Make a New Year Resolution to Reduce Carbon​

Created By RISC | 10 months ago

Last modified date : 10 months ago

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As the new year approaches, you might be looking forward to time with family and loved ones or to sitting down to reflect on the past year and set goals for the coming one in areas such as business, work, study, or love.​

So should we set carbon reduction goals?​

Our new year resolutions can help rescue the planet by addressing climate change and reducing carbon emissions to avert global warming. Let's see what we can come up with…​
• Reduce or save energy since personal carbon footprint is influenced by energy use at home. Choose energy-efficient equipment and use it only when you must.​
• Reduce or change travel patterns by cutting back on unnecessary trips, taking public transit, or switching to a vehicle that emits no greenhouse emissions.​
• During this lengthy holiday, reorganize your home by finding useable goods you rarely use but are still in good condition. Donate or sell them, not only to save the world but also to make a little money.​
• Reduce food waste because it contributes significantly to carbon emissions. Carbon emissions start with farming or livestock production and processing plants. If food’s not eaten, it decomposes and emits even more greenhouse gases.​
• Shop sustainably by purchasing plants to absorb carbon from the air or switching from a gasoline automobile to an electric car. But even the most eco-friendly product has an environmental cost. Before acquiring anything, ask yourself if you really need it.​

As we can see, there are lots of straightforward ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to leave a livable Earth to future generations. RISC believes we can all do it!!​

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